How to Build Your Network Marketing Business Part‐time and Succeed

Part Time Network Marketer’s make up the largest majority of our profession and most people start out part time.  Don’t be fooled, though! It is very possible to build a full time business with “part time” effort.

Here are 5 tips to make the most of your Business Part-time:

1. Every day, block out your calendar for those time slots that you have available to work your business.

This can be your travel time to work and / back, lunch hour, night time when the children are in bed, whatever works for you – but block out some time for the your business.

Your Business is Part-Time not Spare Time – This may mean sacrificing a few things like TV in the evening or hanging out with friends!

2. Make the most of your time.  This Time is not the time you spend checking emails or designing a flyer.

This time is spent doing one of three things – presenting your business, asking someone new to take a look, or following up with someone who has seen it. That’s all!

3. Follow the simple, duplicable and organised system that has been set out for you to work through your contact list.

Let the tools of your business do the work for you.

4. Be consistent and persistent. Honour your business time and teach your team to do the same.

Always, get your calls done first!

5. Learn your business and the compensation plan, and develop a quick 5‐10 minute presentation for explaining it.

Don’t worry about knowing every detail of the compensation plan but Know how to explain “How to earn a couple of hundreds to one thousand dollars extra a month”.


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