Today, I want to share with you a day from my Devotional eBook,
The Glory Mirror:A 28-Day Devotional on How to See Yourself The Way God Sees You
Day 6
Everyone is
Because our Maker, our God, our Father is Creative.
He is the
He created the heavens and the earth,
the sky, the seas, the mountains and hills, the plants and flowers, the stars,
the sun, the moon, the animals, the amazing creatures we see,
You and I – ALL that we appreciate with our eyes daily.
Everyone is Creative Some with their hands; Some with their legs; Some with their minds; Some with their mouths; Some with their tongues; Some with their noses; Some with their ears.
It all depends on what You choose to do with your Gift from the Father.
You are creative.
Look to the
Look at You (properly)!
Look Inward!
Find out Where Your Gift has been placed by the Father
Take time out –
I promise You, it will be worthwhile
Then step out
And do with your gift what your creator intended it for
Remember, you are Creative
It’s in your genes,
Because your Heavenly Father is The Creator
This Poem is Dedicated to the Giver of every Gift – God Almighty
God has blessed
me with Spiritual Gifts, Talents and Skills.
I will Discover them, deploy them and take Dominion for Christ here on Earth,
in Jesus name, Amen.
Download your own copy of the Devotional Here now for $7.99 only.