Periscope is a mobile app that allows its users to live-broadcast video from anywhere in the world at any time.
The app was developed by friends Kayvon Beykpour and Joseph Bernstein and was purchased by Twitter in March this year for $100m (£67m).
Periscope users can live-stream video from their mobile phones, and can do this in conjunction with Twitter, enabling other users to see links tweeted in order to view their live-streams.
Periscope is not the only live-streaming app, a similar app is Meerkat but Periscope, according to statistics has gained a higher level of popularity.
If you want to learn more about the Periscope app and how it can benefit your Business, here are 10 things you should know:
- Live Streaming
You’re called a Broadcaster in this app because it allows you to broadcast any live events or moments from anywhere across the world.
You will need a twitter account in order to shoot a video via the Periscope app.
Periscope is easy to download – simply download from the App Store, and once done, you can decide to subscribe to Periscope broadcasts from those you follow on twitter.
- Share Videos Live
Periscope App allows you to share your videos live to people worldwide. One best way to get their attention is to create interesting titles that would get them to click and watch your videos.
- Like the Videos
If you like what you’re seeing on the videos, you can simply tap the screen to show that the broadcaster did a good job on his or her video. Tapping the screen gives the broadcaster hearts on their videos.
- Hearts on Periscope
If you see hearts on your videos, it only shows that the people who viewed your videos liked it. The app allows you to see that you’re videos are doing well through the hearts viewers give you.
- Comments on Periscope
Comments are a great way to get feedback from your audience on Periscope. Comments and hearts on your live-stream videos are an indication that people are interested in you and your video content.
- Check Details of Videos
After making your live stream videos and your broadcast is over, you can see the details of your video that is shown in a pop up. In this pop up, you can see the number of people who viewed your video, and its retention rate. Moreover, you can see the whole duration of the video as well as the number of hearts received. In this way, you will know who are interested with your live stream broadcasts.
To delete a specific live-broadcast, simply hold it down and then swipe to the left.
- Save Videos
Once you’re done with your broadcast, you have the choice to save it to your mobile phones (for some phones, the video is automatically saved down to your phone) from where you can now share it to other social media platforms or do as you wish with it. Your followers on periscope will continue to have access to your broadcast on the app for the next 24 hours before it disappears. What is great about this is that, the app still allows you to receive more hearts on replay.
- Icons to use
You can control important details of the app before you broadcast your video. The app has 3 icons for you to control.
The first icon is for location that allows you to put details of your current location. You have the option to turn this on or turn it off for safety reasons.
Secondly, you can see a “Lock” button for privacy settings. This button can controls the people you want to be able to see your videos – You can choose certain people to see your broadcast.
The third icon is for your Twitter account. The app lets you integrate your broadcasts with Twitter. When you turn this icon on, notifications will be posted on your Twitter account every time you’re live streaming. In this way, your Twitter followers will know when you’re live streaming and it allows them to connect with you while live-streaming on periscope.
- Follow People
You can follow other broadcasters from all over the world on the Periscope app. The app features a list of “Most Loved” users on periscope (based on the number of followers). You can also search for specific people yourself within the app and then follow them.
- Periscope for Sales
Some have already discovered that the Periscope app provides the opportunity to brand you / your business as well as, generate sales.
A few ways to use the app for sales are:
i. Launch a Product
The app provides an excellent way to launch your product live to a world-wide audience.
ii. Live Tutorials
You can do live “How-To” tutorials that can effectively sell your products.
iii. Live FAQs on Periscope
Since viewers can post live comments in every stream you broadcast, you can directly answer their questions live. Doing live-cast conversations is an excellent way to interact with your viewers that also takes engagement to a new level for your Business.
In conclusion, although the Periscope app is still new in the technology market, it promises to change not only the face of media and technology, but how we engage with our target audience all over the world as well.
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