3. Share Great Content on Your Page to Engage Your Fans
People will only buy from People they have engaged with so you need to engage your Fans on your page.
5 Ways to Engage Your Fans?
- Ask Questions, for example, Today is Mother’s Day here in the United Kingdom, Happy Mothers Days to all the Women out there. What are you up to Today?
- Timing – Do your page posts when your fans are mostly online, for example, Lunchtime or After Work if your fans are people in 9-5 jobs.
- Photos – Facebook is a picture economy. Pictures attract and stand out. Use Pictures in your page posts.
- Call To Action – Tell your fans what you want them to do with your page posts, for example, “Like” if you Agree, Comment “Yes” or “No”
- Regularity of Posts – According to research by Buddy Media, pages that post updates 1 or 2 times per day, receive 40% higher user engagement than those that posted 3 time a day!
So make your page posts 2 a day!
4. Turn Your Page Fans into Paying Customers
It is no good to the finances of your Business if you have all the page likes/ fans and comments on your Facebook page with no buying customers.
So how can you convert this Fans on your page into paying customers?
- Offer Coupons on your Facebook page which fans can claim to receive discounts on your products and / services.
- Create a page post (article / video) that directs your fans to an offer outside of Facebook to your blog / website. It can be a FREE gift to enable you continue building a relationship with them outside of Facebook (recommended) or a direct offer to a product or service on your website.
- Put a Customer Testimonial on your Facebook Page and include a link to where (your blog or website) fans can experience the product or service he testimonial is about.