4 Simple Steps to Marketing Your Home Business on Facebook (Part 2)

3. Share Great Content on Your Page to Engage Your Fans

People will only buy from People they have engaged with so you need to engage your Fans on your page.

5 Ways to Engage Your Fans?

  1. Ask Questions, for example, Today is Mother’s Day here in the United Kingdom, Happy Mothers Days to all the Women out there. What are you up to Today?
  2. Timing – Do your page posts when your fans are mostly online, for example, Lunchtime or After Work if your fans are people in 9-5 jobs.
  3. Photos – Facebook is a picture economy. Pictures attract and stand out. Use Pictures in your page posts.
  4. Call To Action – Tell your fans what you want them to do with your page posts, for example, “Like” if you Agree, Comment “Yes” or “No”
  5. Regularity of Posts – According to research by Buddy Media, pages that post updates 1 or 2 times per day, receive 40% higher user engagement than those that posted 3 time a day!

So make your page posts 2 a day!


4. Turn Your Page Fans into Paying Customers

It is no good to the finances of your Business if you have all the page likes/ fans and comments on your Facebook page with no buying customers.

So how can you convert this Fans on your page into paying customers?

  1. Offer Coupons on your Facebook page which fans can claim to receive discounts on your products and / services.
  2. Create a page post (article / video) that directs your fans to an offer outside of Facebook to your blog / website. It can be a FREE gift to enable you continue building a relationship with them outside of Facebook (recommended) or a direct offer to a product or service on your website.
  3. Put a Customer Testimonial on your Facebook Page and include a link to where (your blog or website) fans can experience the product or service he testimonial is about.